Getting started


The Basics

Using AfterEmoji

AfterEmoji Effect

AfterEmoji Browser

Quick Buttons

Reorder Emojis

Delete Emojis

Monospaced Fonts


Sometimes, you just want to go back to how things were before, right? Well, that’s where the delete button comes in.

To remove all emojis and revert back to the text layer you started with, just select the text layer and hit this button.

Delete Emojis button

Delete Emojis button

All emojis relating to that text layer will be removed and the text placeholders will be updated to reflect the emojis displayed at the time of deletion.

<aside> <img src="/icons/fire_gray.svg" alt="/icons/fire_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Pro Tip: You can do this to multiple layers at once.


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Monospaced Fonts

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