Getting started


The Basics

Using AfterEmoji

AfterEmoji Effect

AfterEmoji Browser

Quick Buttons

Reorder Emojis

Delete Emojis


What if you want to change the order of the emojis displayed in the text layer?

Well, the first thing you need to know is that the shape layers AfterEmoji creates are built in a very specific way. Everything is contained within a shape group named —you guessed it — ****‘AfterEmoji’. Then, within this group, each emoji lives in its own separate group. If you change the order of these groups and hit the reorder button, AfterEmoji will magically update the order of the emojis displayed in the text layer and rename the groups accordingly.

Shape Group Names

Each emoji group is given a unique name. Here’s an example of how this popular emoji: 😂 might be named.

4 [7] Face with Tears of Joy

<aside> <img src="/icons/warning_gray.svg" alt="/icons/warning_gray.svg" width="40px" /> AfterEmoji often relies on the names of the shape groups within the shape layers it creates to carry out certain processes. Renaming them runs the risk of breaking things or even crashing After Effects, so it’s better to leave them as they are.


Reorder Emojis

To change the order in which your emojis are displayed in your text layer, all you have to do is drag the emoji shape groups into whatever order you like, make sure the shape layer is selected, and click this button.

Reorder Emojis button

Reorder Emojis button

The emojis displayed in the text layer will be updated to reflect the new order and the shape groups will be renamed accordingly.

<aside> <img src="/icons/fire_gray.svg" alt="/icons/fire_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Pro Tip: You can do this to multiple layers at once.


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